Tyonna Adams

Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Adjunct Professor

Education: PsyD

Industry Expertise: clinical psychology, diversity equity and inclusion, trauma and diversity factors

Research Interest: intersectional oppression, and resiliency; sexual violence and coping


Dr. Tyonna Adams is a licensed clinical psychologist at the Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System. She works in the Women’s Health Clinic, where most of her work centers around providing gender-specific care to ciswomen, as well as gender diverse veterans. She is a member of the GLA Psychology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, and is the co-chair of the Staff Development Subcommittee. She is committed to providing gender-affirming, socially just, and anti-racist centered care to her patients. She also is an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University, where she teaches clinical practicum. She also serves as the co-liaison to special interest groups as part of the AVAPL early career psychologists SIG. Dr. Adams is also a member of Division 18 of APA (VA Section), where she serves as the early career psychologist representative. She is committed to teaching, mentorship, and providing consultation on how to actively center diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical supervision, clinical care, and in interactions with colleagues.